Josif 的評分: 5
2006-01-03 12:09 來自香港的Josif有以下留言:
hello, I am a student from HK, I will go to tibet with one of my friend
I want to know which is the cheapest route to get into tibet?
and where can I get the cheapest tickets?
please be very kind to answer me!
wt is the minimum budget for 7-10 days?(I can accept the worst living site)
many thanks!
LC 的評分: 4
2006-01-03 00:09 來自香港的LC有以下留言:
Dear all,
I am planning to to Tibet in May/June 2006, and the major spot is the base camp, I have the following questions, hope to get your help:
1. Do I need to prepare professional mountain jackets (down with Goetex outter shell)?
2. Is it difficult to walk from the Rongbu temple to the base camp? How much time will it ususally take?
Thank you so much!!
armseeking 的評分: 4
2006-01-01 21:08 來自香港的armseeking有以下留言:
本人一行三人從深圳出發,打算乘机去黃山,三清山,龍虎山, 及婺源遊玩, 請問:
1) 如不走回頭路,應該怎樣安排行程?
2) 三山怎樣用交通連接?
3) 從三清山有無交通去婺源?
4) 婺源附近的景點是否要用出租車,價錢怎樣計算?
5) 回程從那裡飛返深圳?
hill Cheung 的評分: 5
2005-12-11 18:48 來自香港的hill Cheung有以下留言:
Dear All,
Just want to share the ticket price to Tibet here. Now by air, from 成都 to 拉薩, the price is RMB$1500(not include tax), flight every day. Also there is a flight from 廣州to 拉薩, price is RMB$2500(not include tax). However, as the flight is opertaed by 南方航空, if you are a student, you can apply a 50% off of the price.(remember to bring Student ID, travel agency will do it for you, remember to ask it!!)
I will share my experience after I back from 拉薩. As I think experience is very improtant and fun in travelling.
My e-mail is ee_cyfaa@stu.ust.hk.
Felix 的評分: 5
2006-01-12 20:06 來自香港的Felix有以下回應:
Thank You for your information.
But, how about if i want to take train to go Tibet. The routing how to going there?
And i have send a message to you.
Please give me a call.
Thank You.
Rachel 的評分: 5
2005-11-24 00:11 來自香港的Rachel有以下留言:
我同我好個friend想出年四月去西藏, 有冇人有興趣一齊.
陳小生 的評分: 5
2005-11-27 07:54 來自香港的陳小生有以下回應:
hi~~! rachel 如果我新年去唔成,我都想係4月去...希望到時會有假^^ 有e-mail留低嗎??
2006-10-25 11:40 來自香港的Drizzle有以下回應:
我同fd都係plan四月去旅行, 不過我d由雲南開始, 大概十號到由雲南德欽入西藏, 赶係五一離開西藏,入新疆, 吾知你d-ok嗎
MK 的評分: 4
2005-11-17 02:13 來自香港的MK有以下留言:
I have been just back from Tibet. It is a wonderful place. I suggest AhLi if you have sufficient time.
vivian 的評分: 3
2005-11-14 23:28 來自香港的vivian有以下留言:
Day 1 香港->廣州, Day 2 廣州->拉薩, Day 3 拉薩, Day 4 拉薩->江孜->日咯則,Day 5 日咯則->拉孜->定日,
Day 6 定日->珠峄大本營->日咯則, Day 7 日咯則->納木措, Day 8 納木措->拉薩,Day 9 拉薩->廣州->香港
old cake 的評分: 4
2005-11-06 13:17 來自香港的old cake有以下留言:
HUNG 的評分: 4
2005-11-11 14:58 來自香港的HUNG有以下回應:
本人聖誕節到西藏所以有興趣取GSM電話号碼我的card E-MAIL hung2hk@yahoo.com.hk
鄭羽璇 的評分: 3
2005-11-04 22:33 來自台灣的鄭羽璇有以下留言:
radhk 的評分: 4
2005-11-01 13:20 來自香港的radhk有以下留言:
網主, 我見你有d布達拉宮內走廊既相. 我上次去果度d工作人員幾惡下, 宮內走廊都唔準影, 影0左都要delete.
old cake 的評分: 4
2005-10-19 00:31 來自香港的old cake有以下留言:
兩個老餅(男)將於十月二十五号晚抵達拉薩,二十八日出發到日喀則--->珠峰(綱中所描寫之西行路線),有興趣一起走and share 車資者可留言或 send message 到 sbchui@msn.com, 方便到時聯絡. Thanks.
radhk 的評分: 4
2005-10-20 15:13 寫上來自hk的radhk有以下回應:
Joanne, 多謝你觀看. 老實講, 我都唔多識影相. 不過西藏風景實在太靚, 即使我用傻瓜機影出來既效果都幾okay. 實際上, 我d相都唔及實景一半咁靚.
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