old cake 的評分: 4
2005-10-19 00:31 來自香港的old cake有以下留言:
兩個老餅(男)將於十月二十五号晚抵達拉薩,二十八日出發到日喀則--->珠峰(綱中所描寫之西行路線),有興趣一起走and share 車資者可留言或 send message 到 sbchui@msn.com, 方便到時聯絡. Thanks.
radhk 的評分: 4
2005-10-20 15:13 寫上來自hk的radhk有以下回應:
Joanne, 多謝你觀看. 老實講, 我都唔多識影相. 不過西藏風景實在太靚, 即使我用傻瓜機影出來既效果都幾okay. 實際上, 我d相都唔及實景一半咁靚.
old cake 的評分: 4
2005-10-14 21:18 來自香港的old cake有以下留言:
請問 diamox 跟 acetazolamide 是否同一樣的藥品?
Ma 的評分: 3
2005-10-12 15:27 來自香港的Ma有以下留言:
Webmaster, It seems that u haven't replied at this message board, can i contact u by e-mail or phone no? I'm from HK magazine and I would like to have a short interview about your trip to 稻城, 亞丁,and want u show us some pictures? Is it OK? Thanks for your quick reply.
2005-10-12 22:08 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Thank you for your interest to my web site and photos. I check this guest book regularly, but some questions are out of my knowledge or not easy to reply.
My 稻城 trip was only a package tour and I couldn't even reach 亞丁. So I'm afraid I cannot give you very much travel information. Anyway, if you have any question, I will try my best to answer.
廖美鳳 的評分: 5
2005-10-08 01:30 來自台灣的廖美鳳有以下留言:
CAKE 的評分: 5
2005-10-03 19:08 來自香港的CAKE有以下留言:
提提大家, 所有動作要slow motion, include 飲水, 我就係訓醒晏覺, 食diamox 時飲水急, 就嘔! 之後就唔係咁舒服
radhk 的評分: 4
2005-10-09 19:22 來自香港的radhk有以下回應:
diamox d 副作用對我都幾勁, 除0左手, 腳有痳痺, 有時被d冷風吹過塊面, 連塊面都痺埋.
另外, 我建議各位去之前, 或去完都睇下"可可西里", 去完睇更加有feel.
另外, 我影0左西藏d相, 有興趣可以睇睇.
2005-10-02 18:37 來自香港的mayyee有以下留言:
one more thing to share.
Actually, I have been to Yunnan Lijiang and 玉龍雪山 before I went to Tibet. I was really fine thoughout the trip. No headache, nth bad really happened while my tripmates all looked really sick and were really sick in fact.
I went overland to Tibet by Qizhang route. On the way until I reached 5XXX metres Tangu La mountain, I was ok all the way. 1 or 2 hrs before Tangu La pass, we were dropped off and had a meal. At that time, I was still ok and ate like a pig. Hehe. On the pass of the mountain, I was on the bus feeling like hell! A severe headache (to be honest, I have never experienced headache before, because I just dun get headache for the rest of my life). I was feeling so cold and started hugging with my fren next to me like crazy. Unable to fall asleep.. and stay between awake and faint. It was such a horrible feeling I have ever had. I was feeliing like dying! I talked to my fren if we are gonna die on the bus.
Insensibly, I fell asleep and woke up after sunrise. And I felt much better.
So this is really true that the drastic rise in altitude on Tanggu La mountain is really a threat to travellers. Other than this, the route is ok.
mayyee 的評分: 4
2005-10-02 17:38 來自香港的mayyee有以下留言:
I travlled in tibet in May this year. I would like to offer some information on taking jeep from lhasa back to chengdu.
There is a travel agent located in 吉日 hotel. They had a group of US clents to get picked up in Chengdu, so they would have jeeps going to Chengdu from Lhasa. For this journey, they offered jeeps to travellers in Lhasa who wanted to go overland back to Chengdu, in order to make more money. I got offered this journey at only RMB 400 for 5 days jeep journey. Accomodations and meals for the whole jeep trip are not included. As I confirmed with other travellers who took this jeep, they pais way much more than I did. Some paid RMB 500, 750 or even 1000. So if you are going to travel overland back to Chengdu, try to bargain with travel agent. I think the cost is only around 400, as I paid this directly to the drivers (so logically thinking, the travel agent did not earn any commission out of it).
明仔 的評分: 4
2005-10-01 21:08 來自香港的明仔有以下留言:
2005-10-01 21:12 來自香港的明仔有以下回應:
巫斯義 的評分: 5
2005-09-29 19:27 來自香港的巫斯義有以下留言:
有否計劃到台南 或 澎湖、金門等地走一轉
巫斯義 的評分: 5
2005-10-02 10:05 來自香港的巫斯義有以下回應:
2005-09-29 15:29 寫上來自Hong Kong的leung有以下留言:
在這次 旅途中學習人生命中最重要一課.
學習會如向去 愛 身旁的人.
我作一個幸福香港人, 能自由自在在中國
最美麗西藏旅行, 我會非常珍惜這旅行經歷.
在旅途中 , 遇到香港朋友,他中國貧下農民
旅行中, 除了見識世界美之外, 更可以去愛
在西藏行程中 , 有好多好多小村, 它們學校
破舊不堪 , 一位老師,十位學生, 老師十年工作
好多好多父母因少少五元文具費用, (國家包
學費和書 ) 而不能讓小孩上學,
而我們只須要少食一日 , 就可支持十個學生
文具三個月, 期望妳能在旅途中, 買定一些
文具,書寫紙等. 在小村中放下一點愛心.
小小心意加上妳與他一點 份 , 當我們努力齊心
西藏物價好貴 , 最好在成都 , 或廣州買定.
我經驗好多西藏司機 ,願意幫忙在小村停車的.
多謝網主 你網上資料對我們好有用
cake 的評分: 5
2005-09-29 12:56 來自香港的cake有以下留言:
我之前所講, 當日早上9點, 買不到當日的票, 下午5:00可取明天上午9:00票, 即係換票證, 第2天早上9:00前到售票處用換票證買票! 另外, 我想問下有無人睇到天葬?
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