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sungjin 的評分: 5 (sungjin 的個人網頁)

2003-06-18 13:57 寫上來自Seoul, Koreasungjin有以下留言:


I am the korean guy who wrote a letter to you a couple of days ago.
I have some Q.
I will travel the Sichuan province alone in July. such as backpacker. I want to visit Yading, Dege, Ganzi.. i read your daily note of traveling. but you did not have a chance to drop Yading. right? Someone said to me Yading is the better place to trip than Zhongdian Yunnan. Do you agree?
and my flight will arrive lately. PM 10:00, So i think i must have trouble to find a hotle. Would you plz recommend a good hotel that is comfortable and Chea~~~~~p. ?
thanks for you photo and good essay.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2003-06-18 21:54 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

I couldn't go to 亞丁 because landslide blocked the road. I haven't visited 中甸 yet, but my impression is that it is a nice place as well. However, 亞丁 should be relatively less touristic and more natural.

My hotel in Chengdu was arranged by a tour from HK. So I don't have detailed information. In my last Tibet trip, I stayed in a hotel opposite to Chengdu airport for 160 yuan with hot shower. The price can be halved for a room without shower. Some agents will approach you at the airport for that.

点点 的評分: 5 (点点 的個人網頁)

2003-06-10 00:23 來自日本点点有以下留言:


sungjin 的評分: 5 (sungjin 的個人網頁)

2003-06-09 15:17 寫上來自Seoul, Koreasungjin有以下留言:

I am a korean guy who like traveling. especially Maninlnad China.

I have a plan to travel Sichuan, Yunnan this summer vacation. your site is very helpful to me.
i am very interested in the folk culture of chinese minor nations. Thanks for your information.

If i have some question i will write a letter to you. ok? plz answer me.

good luck

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2003-06-09 18:49 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


Please feel free to ask me questions. If you've no special concern, I would prefer you to use this message board instead of sending emails. This allows other readers to share the information.


Tara 的評分: 5 (Tara 的個人網頁)

2003-06-03 21:49 來自台灣Tara有以下留言:


Mayting 的評分: 4 (Mayting 的個人網頁)

2003-06-03 12:06 來自TaiwanMayting有以下留言:

May I recommend a Website on this subject?
'Cause there are vast majority scenic route in Taiwan.

Maybe you could refer to take a trip to Taiwan next time.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2003-06-03 20:45 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Thank you, Mayting.

I've updated my web page to include your links so that other readers can share your good information.

Jerry 的評分: 5 (Jerry 的個人網頁)

2003-05-27 04:39 來自Hong KongJerry有以下留言:

Dear Webmaster,

Could you tell me the contact of the Agency which you travel to China for the Pilot Trip?

I also want to fly in this summer. Moreover, pls also tell me that where can I go for the Sea Activities. I saw the pics you are in Jet Ski.

Many thanks & Regards


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2003-05-27 12:32 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Hi! 聯絡方法請看下面我於 July 17th 2002 回應 Jeffrey 的留言。海、空的旅程都是由珠海 F&F 航空俱樂部安排,可看看他們的網站:

MEI 的評分: 5 (MEI 的個人網頁)

2003-05-12 22:53 來自hong kongMEI有以下留言:

There is a height requirement for pilots,do you know why?

thank you.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2003-05-15 11:10 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Ooh? I don't know about that. Maybe if the pilot is too short, he/she cannot effectively look down from the plane.

GARY LIN 的評分: 0 (GARY LIN 的個人網頁)

2003-03-06 02:00 來自TAIWANGARY LIN有以下留言:

您好 很高興看到你這個網站 我3/11要出發前往阿根廷 因為要過境吉隆坡 所以搜尋到這個網站 收穫很多....只是對於台灣的描寫並不多 蠻可惜 期待你有機會更認識台灣 我可以當你的導遊喔 i will be your guy.i love travel so much!!所以我們可以分享很多的旅遊經驗....good luck

豬古狗 的評分: 0 (豬古狗 的個人網頁)

2003-03-04 11:37 來自天涯某處豬古狗有以下留言:

Forrest 的評分: 0 (Forrest 的個人網頁)

2003-01-26 12:42 來自天涯某處Forrest有以下留言:

When did u go 四川? The period you go cannot enjoy good weather, right?? i went to 香格里拉 last September, the whether is bad for my 12 days trip~~quite disappointed. i think the travel book i saw cannot give a ideal and realitic information!

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2003-01-26 22:15 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


Forrest 的評分: 3 (Forrest 的個人網頁)

2003-01-26 12:36 來自天涯某處Forrest有以下留言:

If I travel again, I must view your site!!

Alice 的評分: 5 (Alice 的個人網頁)

2003-01-09 14:24 來自天涯某處Alice有以下留言:

ur page is amazing!

it's informative and the pic r great.

I'm longing to see the Tibet page.


moon 的評分: 5 (moon 的個人網頁)

2002-09-06 01:39 來自天涯某處moon有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2002-09-06 14:32 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


我是用 Canon EOS 50E 的,拍的是 Kodak 100VS 幻燈片。

moon 的評分: 0 (moon 的個人網頁)

2002-09-06 18:09 來自香港moon有以下回應:

原來用幻燈片,你的照片拍出來十分美,請問你是否用專業的Film Scanner再儲存到電腦上,我亦是攝影及旅遊喜愛者,我用一般的A4 Scanner素描相片,但沒有你所做的那麼好,可否教教小妹怎樣可以做到你放在網頁的效果呀,另外正片晒相的價錢是否貴過用負片晒相。

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2002-09-07 12:37 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Flatbed scanner 出來的效果一定較 film scanner 差,加燈箱 scan 底片會好些,但仍較 film scanner 差。其實現在有些沖晒店可以幫你原筒 scan 成一隻 CD,不想自己買 film scanner 的話可以考慮。

印象中曾經見過有沖晒店 scan 和晒幻燈片,$5 張左右。我自己 scan 再晒就同晒數碼相一樣。

moon 的評分: 0 (moon 的個人網頁)

2002-09-15 09:53 來自香港moon有以下回應:

網主可否介紹一隻film scanner同價錢大約多少?

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2002-09-18 19:22 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

我覺得 Nikon 的 film scanner 不錯,價錢 HKD3,xxx 至過萬,Canon 和 Minolta 的應該也 OK。HP 和 Acer 等電腦廠應該有較便宜的,質素不太清楚,但仍應較 flatbed scanner 明顯好。

LYC 的評分: 5 (LYC 的個人網頁)

2002-09-03 12:10 來自HKLYC有以下留言:

Your photos are marvellous!!!!!!!!!!!!

七匹狼 的評分: 0 (七匹狼 的個人網頁)

2002-07-16 23:30 寫上來自我心中的香格里拉七匹狼有以下留言:




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